When you are about to buy a new home or make a business investment, WHO looks after your interests and HOW, is key to a smooth and successful acquisition process.


Our Services
Dedicated Property Search
Committed search for the right investment
We fully understand the personal importance of a new real estate acquisition. It is therefore our commitment as your appointed representatives, to conduct a bespoke search for the right property that will match your specific requirements. Our independent status allows for an unbiased approach to an extended network of professionals as well as private and public entities, including access to exclusive private portfolios of objects that may not be openly available on the mainstream market. In keeping with our discretion policy we will extend a personalised portfolio of suitable properties specifically compiled for you.
Process of Purchase
Because buying a home or investing in a business in a foreign country may often not seem like the easiest of tasks and many formalities and questions may arise, Elena Ilchenko will assist you personally throughout the process of property purchase, ensuring that you obtain the best available advice and help with formalities and procedures such as: •Specialised legal assistance •Residence permits or Id’s (NIE) •Banking needs & mortgages •Insurance •Legal and tax consultancy •language interpreters
After Sales Care
Elena Ilchenko IPC offer a personalised after purchase home care service
Once you have successfully acquired your home, or investment property you may want to opt for Elena Ilchenko’s professional after purchase care and management service. We will discuss a specific After Sales Care Service or Property Management Package tailored to your needs.Master Agent Sales Service
Put your exclusive property on the market
Elena Ilchenko IPC will act as your representatives devising the best strategy package for the sale of your luxury property via an extensive international network of professionals.
Buying a Property in Spain?
We have compiled a Purchase Procedure Guide for buying property in Spain.
Please click below to download the complementary brochure. Contact us any time if you need more information.
Contact Us
Our Expertise is At Your Service!
During these challenging times marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, we continue to work with all safety measures in place and are at your disposal as always. Please contact us if you wish to discuss your personal requirements and plans for a real estate transaction, without any obligation on your part.
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T. +34 609 464 865
Email: consult@elenailchenko.com